Carlos 16/01/2017

Este ácido ha hecho maravillas con mi piel. Lo he usado 3 veces por semana en combinación con el AHA/BHA toner clarify de la misma marca y he notado una mejoría indiscutible en mi piel. Los brotes de acné han ido disminuyendo y las marcas de brotes anteriores se han aclarado. Un punto para resaltar es que no reseca la piel ni la irrita, es muy seguro de usar y con resultados visibles al poco tiempo de uso. Un producto que estaré comprando de nuevo.

Angel 13/01/2016

This replaced Paula's Choice AHA. I would love it more were it not for the fishy smell until I realized that something in the formula reacts with the skin's chemistry, just like perfume. On days before and after "monthlies", there was no scent at all when used. I use this as night then Cosrx's BHA in the morning and it has dramatically calmed down my breakouts and cleared up my skin. I have been using Benton's Snail Bee Essence along with the other Benton Snail Bee line and my acne scars and pigmentation are on it's way to smoothing out.

Sarah 28/12/2015

I really loved this AHA liquid! I've also tried the Mizon AHA Peeling Serum, and I found I had MUCH better results with Cosrx! Mizon broke me out, but this managed to clear up some of my acne. The smell is just ok, but that is easily tolerated for the results that you will get. Very inexpensive!

Afi 15/12/2015

i've been using this for 2 weeks and i see that it is a great product but since i just use it for 2 weeks i havent see many difference. but maybe i just need to be patient!:)

Shirley 29/11/2015

My skin cleared up within days of using this product! I used this along with the BHA power liquid and my skin has never looked better! I honestly believe this is the best product line and I've gotten the most bang for my buck with this purchase!